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Numerical relativity simulations of compact binaries: comparison of cell- and vertex-centered adaptive meshes
Tags: BBH, GW, NR
Scattering and dynamical capture of two black holes: synergies between numerical and analytical methods
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, Nucleosynthesis, PostMerger
Elements formation in radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of kilonovae
Tags: BNS, PostMerger
Geometric and thermodynamic characterization of binary neutron star accretion disks
Tags: AMR, BBH, GW, NR
Adaptive mesh refinement in binary black holes simulations
Tags: BNS, GW, NR
GR-Athena++: General-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations of neutron star spacetimes
Tags: BNS, GW, NR, PE, Postmerger
Detectability of QCD phase transitions in binary neutron star mergers
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, EOS, GW, NR, NewSimulations
Ab-Initio General-Relativistic Neutrino-Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of Long-Lived Neutron Star Merger Remnants to Neutrino Cooling Timescales
Tags: BBH, GW, NR, NumericalMethods
Spectrally-tuned compact finite-difference schemes with domain decomposition and applications to numerical relativity
Numerical-Relativity-Informed Effective-One-Body model for Black-Hole-Neutron-Star Mergers with Higher Modes and Spin Precession
Tags: BNS, GW, GWdata, NR, NewSimulations
CoRe database second release
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, GW, NR, Neutrinos, NewSimulations
Binary neutron star merger simulations with neutrino transport and turbulent viscosity: impact of different schemes and grid resolution
Tags: BNS, GW, PE, PostMerger
Inference of Postmerger Signals with the Einstein Telescope
Tags: BNS, GW, NR, PostMerger
Numerical-relativity Informed Postmerger Model
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, EOS, NR, NewSimulations
Numerical relativity simulations of the neutron star merger GW190425: microphysics and mass ratio effects
Tags: BNS, GW, NR, NewSimulations
EFL: Entropy flux-limited higher-order central scheme for neutron star merger simulations
Tags: BNS, EOS, NR, NewSimulations
Probing the incompressibility of nuclear matter at ultra-high density through the prompt collapse of neutron star merger remnants
Tags: BNS, EOS, NR, NewSimulations
A New Moment-Based General-Relativistic Neutrino-Radiation Transport Code: Methods and First Applications to Neutron Star Mergers
Tags: BNS, EOS, NR, Neutrinos
Neutrino emission from binary neutron star mergers: characterizing light curves and mean energies
Tags: BNS, EOS, GW, NR
Constraints on the neutron star's maximum densities from postmerger gravitational-waves with third-generation observations
Tags: NR, NS, NewSimulations
Long-term GRHMD simulation of magnetic field in isolated neutron stars
Tags: BNS, EM, EOS, GW, NR
Signatures of deconfined quark phases in binary neutron star mergers
Tags: BNS, EM, EOS, NR
Dynamical ejecta synchrotron emission as possible contributor to the rebrightening of GRB170817A
Tags: BBH, GW, NR
GR-Athena++: puncture evolutions on vertex-centered oct-tree AMR
Tags: DataAnalysis, GW
Bajes: Bayesian inference of multimessenger astrophysical data, methods and application to gravitational-waves
Tags: BNS, DataAnalysis, EMCounterparts
AT2017gfo: Bayesian inference and model selection of multi-component kilonovae and constraints on the neutron star equation of state
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, NR
Mapping dynamical ejecta and disk masses from numerical relativity simulations of neutron star mergers
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, NR, NewSimulations
Numerical Relativity Simulations of the Neutron Star Merger GW170817: Long-Term Remnant Evolutions, Winds, Remnant Disks, and Nucleosynthesis
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, GW, NR, NewSimulations
Accretion-induced prompt black hole formation in asymmetric neutron star mergers, dynamical ejecta and kilonova signals
Tags: BNS, GW, NR, PE, PostMerger
KiloHertz gravitational waves from binary neutron star remnants
Tags: BNS, NR
Thermodynamics conditions of matter in the neutrino decoupling region during neutron star mergers
Tags: BNS, GW, NR, PE
Inferring prompt black-hole formation in neutron star mergers from gravitational-wave data
Tags: BNS, EOS, NR
Spiral-wave wind for the blue kilonova
Tags: BNS, GW, NR, Tides
Improving the NRTidal model for binary neutron star systems
Tags: BNS, EOS, NR
Thermodynamics conditions of matter in neutron star mergers
Black-hole remnants from black-hole--neutron-star mergers
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, NR, NewSimulations
Viscous-dynamical ejecta in asymmetric binary neutron star mergers
Tags: BNS, NR, NewSimulations
Dynamical ejecta from neutron star mergers
Tags: BNS, GW, Tides
Relevance of tidal effects and post-merger dynamics for binary neutron star parameter estimation
Tags: BNS, GW, Tides
Matter imprints in waveform models for neutron star binaries: tidal and self-spin effects
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, GW, NR, NewSimulations
Long-lived Remnants from Binary Neutron Star Mergers
Tags: BNS, GW, HighResolution, NR, NewSimulations
High-resolution numerical relativity simulations of spinning binary neutron star mergers
Tags: BNS, GW, GWLuminosity, NR
Gravitational-wave luminosity of binary neutron stars mergers
Tags: BNS, GW, GWdata, NR, NewSimulations
CoRe database second release
Tags: BNS, NR, Neutrinos
Neutrino light curves and mean energies data
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, NR
Dynamical ejecta and spiral-wave wind data
Tags: BNS, GW, GWdata, NR, NewSimulations
CoRe database moved on git lfs repo
Tags: BNS, EMCounterparts, NR
Dynamical ejecta data
Tags: BNS, GW, GWdata, NR, NewSimulations
CoRe database is online