Here you find links to useful code and data repositories that we develop.
BHNS remnant model
A python code computing the properties of the remnant black hole from black-hole–neutron-star mergers.
BNS luminosity
A python code computing the gravitational wave luminosity peak, the energy and angular momentum carried away by gravitational waves at merger and the total gravitational wave energy emitted for the merger of a binary neutron star system.
Bayesian Jenaer Software
bajes [baɪɛs] is a Python software for Bayesian inference developed at Friedrich-Schiller-Universtät Jena and specialized in the analysis of gravitational-wave and multi-messenger transients. The software is designed to be state-of-art, simple-to-use and light-weighted with minimal dependencies on external libraries.
Gravitational-wave - Electromagnetic Lightcurves
A codebase designed to fit UVOIR lightcurves and spectra to kilonova models for the purpose of extracting information about ejecta, such as mass, velocity, and lanthanide fraction. In addition, it allows to use fits to numerical relativity data to make inferences about binary properties, such as mass ratio and equation of state.
Jenpy ROQ
JenpyROQ implements an extended, modularised and streamlined version of the PyROQ code, forked in March 2022 from its original repository and developed at the Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
Gravitational-wave postmerger data
A public repository to collect postmerger gravitational-wave data; currently mostly used for the characteristic frequencies of the NS remnant.
Pyg to animate 1D data
Simple python program to plot & animates 1D data, meant as a lightweight substitution for ygraph.
TEOBResumS is an effective-one-body waveform model for non-precessing (spin-aligned) and tidally interacting compact binaries. The point-mass sector is informed by NR simulations of binary black holes to generate complete waveforms through merger and ringdown. The tidal sector of the model describes the dynamics of neutron star binaries up to merger and incorporates a resummed attractive potential.
Waveform Analysis Tools in Python
The CoRe python package for the analysis of gravitational waves based on scidata, Matlab’s WAT and pyGWAnalysis.
WhiskyTHC is a state-of-the-art numerical relativity code designed to study compact binary coalescences and core-collapse supernovae. WhiskyTHC combines state-of-the-art high-resolution shock-capturing methods with the simulation technology provided by the Einstein Toolkit. WhiskyTHC include the sophisticated microphysics framework developed at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics for the original Whisky code.
Zenodo NR-GW Open Data
A Zenodo collection of datasets from numerical relativity and gravitational waves modeling papers.
Kilonova Lightcurve Calculator
Computation of kilonovae properties for BNS mergers following Class.Quant.Grav. 34 (2017) no.10, 105014. Ejecta fits are obtained from a large number on NR simulations. Lightcurves are based on a simplified analytical model, which makes use of bolometric corrections computed from the Monte-Carlo simulations of Masaomi Tanaka.